I found an article today that a woman wrote, saying these 10 things a good boyfriend will not ask of his mate. I have to disagree. At first I disagreed completely and was a little miffed about her way of writing, but after a second read, I have to say, that these things really depend upon the people involved, what kind of relationship the two have, and other factors in the daily lives of those involved. Perhaps in some relationships her suggestions may be true, but I find them totally out of sink with reality for many situations. If she doesn’t want these things in her life, that is fine, but writing as a dating editor I think it is in bad taste to make such a blanket statement that if someone asks you to do laundry or plan a vacation that that makes them a bad boyfriend. Get real.
Dating Advice, dating mistakes, Dating Technology, Fantasy and Reality, The Dating Game 26.06.2009 Comments Off on some of our dating programming exposed in a recent movie
We rented the movie “he’s just not that into you”, the gf and I had a kind of in home movie date and didn’t expect much but a few laughs. We had some good laughs with this flick, and I enjoyed seeing them expose some of the dating myths and realities in this movie.
I have had the STD talk with perhaps 50 different girls I have dated over the years, and I have talked with lots of girls, guys and couples about STD information, risks and awareness. I think the talk has gotten easier over the years, but it is still an issue that causes a bit of anxiety and pause. I often wonder what the other person will say.will react, what they know, and if they will be honest with me as well. It’s never easy going into this talks, but I believe it is of the utmost importance early in the relationship, while dating, and before things lead to sex.
Dating Advice, The Dating Game 31.03.2009 Comments Off on VH1 tough love teaches some dating rules – part one
I have now watched the first three episodes of Tough Love on VH1 with matchmake Steve teaches 7 women new rules in the dating game, and I am impressed and entertained more than expected.
Tough Love show w Steve Ward
The previews caught my attention, but good editing can make any show or movie for that matter, to appear great, even if the final product is lacking. After the first three episodes I am impressed with the entertainment of the show, and the candid advice that it offers to so many different personalities of women. I do think that there could be more details in some of the advice and further explanation, but they are trying to cram a lot into a one hour show.