• online specific dating 05.12.2010 Comments Off on Amateur match suit in the news?

    I had read an article a couple weeks ago, but having a hard time finding it today! Oh, did some different search phrases and found it! The article was posted at the San Fransisco Chronicle. I am pretty sure the article was about some guys that got together and filed a lawsuit against the dating site amateur match.



  • Today I found an entry on urban dictionary for “it’s complicated” as a relationship status on social networks, particularly on facebbok. I was eager to read how some decided to define the status “It’s complicated” when explaining to the world and your friends on facebook. What I read on urban dictionary was not anywhere near complete, and it surprised me that it had gotten so many votes. So I had to add my own entry and hopefully enlighten the world that uses that portal for definitions, that it can certainly mean more than what the original author had posted as a definition.

  • online specific dating 10.11.2008 Comments Off on 81 year old Chinese man finds love and marriage through online dating

    This story brought a tear to my eye! In an article from Reuters, that I found via yahoo news, we learn that an 81 year old man posted online looking for younger women to date. After conversing with more than 50 women and meeting and dating several, he hooked up with a girl 23 years younger, and they just got married!

    A snippet from the article:

    An 81-year-old Chinese man has proved age need not be a barrier to Internet love, marrying a 58-year-old bride he met online, a local newspaper reported.

  • online specific dating 20.01.2008 Comments Off on Study – one third of dates made online lead to sex on first date

    Well this is kind of surprising, but after reading more into it, it makes sense. The study that was done said a majority of the women surveyed communicated through several emails about safety, meeting, stds and other issues before meeting on the first date. This survey shows proof that online dating works. You can establish a relationship online that translates into offline action. Emails and instant messaging certainly can save time, and in this day and age with so much going on, I certainly enjoy saving time. I think what is left our of this study is the fact that there is much weeding through people in the online dating environment, making it easier to choose to have intimate relations with one that you meet, as opposed to traditional method of meeting offline to get to know each other first.

  • online specific dating 18.07.2007 Comments Off on email etiquette for online dating success – part one

    email etiquette for online dating success – part one

    I one read an article, that had some hints and tips for adult dating online, and the thing I remember most is the advice on the emails. Anyone who has had a profile on an adult dating site knows that sometimes you are left wondering where people are going with the language in their emails. It’s bad enough that you don’t get facial expressions to work with, and add to the fact that different people have different ways of talking and typing, you con sometimes be left wondering if things are going forward with the chances of the real life hook up.