This story brought a tear to my eye! In an article from Reuters, that I found via yahoo news, we learn that an 81 year old man posted online looking for younger women to date. After conversing with more than 50 women and meeting and dating several, he hooked up with a girl 23 years younger, and they just got married!
A snippet from the article:
An 81-year-old Chinese man has proved age need not be a barrier to Internet love, marrying a 58-year-old bride he met online, a local newspaper reported.
Wu Jieqin, a retired Beijing art professor who has spent time in an aged-care home, married Jiang Xiaohui, 23 years younger, in a ceremony on the weekend, the Beijing News reported.
Behold the power of the internet! I am really glad that so many are taking advantage of this powerful resource for sharing and caring, and finding one another online. It cities and towns across the world there are people who are lonely, looking for love, but it’s just hard sometimes to find a perfect mate when you are shopping for a date at the grocery store or local bar.
With online dating sites you may find prospective lovers who share similar interests and values around the world, Wu found 50 interested women online, from several countries, and he is 81 years old. Heart warming for sure. If Wu can do it, so can you! What a great story, glad to see some good news in the world!