• One night when I went out with an ex girlfriend and her friend, I thought we may end up in a threesome sex adventure before the night was over. Things started well, they both knew we were all relatively single, all of us were dating around, and we all got along. They were good friends and comfortable flirting with each other and me. I knew they were both bisexual to some degree and they both appeared to enjoy my company, so we went to a few places around town that sort of turned into a three way date.

    We were just out having fun, making small talk, seeing people and places we knew around town. they had a couple drinks here and there throughout the night, and at one point in the car from point B to point C, they started kissing and playing with boobs in the backseat. At this point it seemed to me that they would be interested in a threeway sex siore’, but I didn’t suggest it, I just drove to the next stop.

    We left the last bar, after having a drink and some more giggling good times. We decided to head over to a late night cafe and grab a bite to eat, I’m thinking about who’s place we will end up at, and enjoying the idea of these two hot girls doing me and each other at the same time. During dinner, or our late night snack, the conversation led to the friend and I having sex, and before I could even suggest that my ex join us, the ex just stopped. Her look became angry and she balked at the idea that her friend and I should ever get together.

    I was stunned.  We had not dated in a few years, we were good friends, she liked both of us, all of us were in multiple dating situations, they were just making out in the backseat of my car about an hour ago, and it seemed to me that all the signals she was giving were for us to all three enjoy having sex tonight.

    The friend ended up getting a little catty and then they started to have words with each other over my ex denying us her blessing for getting together. They both made good points about why we should or should not get together, why we should respect the past relationship that was had, and it went on for about 30 minutes.

    Needless to say, the threesome fantasy did not happen in this situation, and perhaps it was for the better, I’d hate for friends to have one night of sex come between them. It really violated one of my threesome rules anyways, but the signals they were sending for hours seemed to point in that direction of mutual desire, so I wasn’t going to turn it down.

    Fortunately we all remained friends, I decided not to pursue sexual relations with either of them, and instead keep them both in the friend category, that turned out to be a huge bonus when it came to some of their other friends a few months later.

    Morals of this story, it’s good not to become obsessed with a fantasy and push for it, and sometimes it is much better in the log term to be friends rather than ruin a good long term friendship over one night of carnal pleasure. Remember that trying to read a woman’s mind or intentions can lead to all kinds of complications, I still can not figure out what girls are thinking twenty-four seven. Communication is key, and often times fantasies are better than reality.

    Posted by Steven @ 9:20 pm for Dating Stories, Fantasy and Reality |

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