A news story found via yahoo, and reported by the AFP has a headline
Skewed China birth rate to leave 24 mln men single
It seems that China’s population limits of one child per family along with the cultural preference of having male children instead of female children, so they can carry the family name and I assume be stronger and earn more money or resources, is set to backfire in the next decade.
From the article:
Researcher Wang Guangzhou said the skewed birth ratio could lead to difficulties for men with lower incomes in finding spouses, as well as a widening age gap between partners, according to the Global Times.
Another researcher quoted by the newspaper, Wang Yuesheng, said men in poorer parts of China would be forced to accept marriages late in life or remain single for life, which could “cause a break in family lines.”
I suppose women will become much more valuable in China over the next decade. In fact there is a darker side to the women shortage, as noted in the article I just read. Forced prostitution, illegal marriages, abductions and human trafficking are apparently problems in China today, and I expect they will get worse as the ratio to men to women changes more and more.
I wonder if polygamy is legal or illegal in China? With such a lopsided ratio of men to women, will we see two men marrying the same girl? Will we see more homosexual relationships? Will threesomes become a regular thing? I’m not sure what is legal in China and what is cultural standard, but it is interesting to watch and see where things go in the dating scene in other cultures.
Another snip from the article:
However, the study said that in some areas the male-female ratio was as high as 130 males for every 100 females, a report by the Mirror Evening newspaper said.