• Dating Stories 23.10.2007

    I never saw this coming. Yeah, she’s hot, but not my normal type. I know I am not her normal type either. Putting aside the looks stereotypes, could we be a really good match? It’s quite bizarre. There are so many things that I love about her, and things that normally turn me off or have me running the other direction, give me pleasure.

    Maybe it’s because she already has a nose ring, but normally I would become less attracted to a woman if she decided to get such a piercing. Maybe it’s the fact that she has all these unusual qualities already, and it’s not major changes, that I am able to accept them and enjoy them. Haven’t quite figured that out yet, but my main worry, is why in the hell am I falling in love with her? We’ve only been out a few times, but her touch brings me peace. Her eyes captivate me. Her lips make me melt. Feeling her makes me want her next to me always.

    The things that she does are so amazing, she is considerate, honest, blunt, and different.  She is her own woman. Perhaps I have been with so many chameleon girlfriends that having an honest girl getting intimate with me is just shaking up my world. I can’t wait to learn more about her. I can imagine myself doing things with her that I have not considered in some time.

    What crazy timing. Just when I was starting to get my mojo back. Just when I was starting to get multiple dates setup and had the opportunity to explore several different types of relationships, I find myself with an unexpected love. I just hope that if I brush off my other opportunities that she doesn’t turn into an almost lover.

    Posted by Steven @ 1:18 am for Dating Stories |

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