• dating mistakes 03.08.2007

    Someone messaged me about at article via yahoo personals that talks about some of the possible signals of impending relationship ending.

    Here is a quick synopsis of the things that Elina Furman wrote about ( 5 breakup warning signs – How to tell when you’re about to get the boot )

    1. Picking Fights
    2. Forgetting to Call
    3. Changes in Appearance
    4. Criticizing You a lot
    5. Losing Sexual Interest

    It was funny to read these five warning signs, and then think about the final 3 months of my last 3 year relationship. I was able to recall these signals, and two of them repeatably. I think the five things they have listed here are good considerations, but I think people should always be prepared to be single again, so noticing these signs is kind of like excitement for me.

    I think all adults should be prepared to reenter the dating pool all the time. Not it should be a constant everyday thought, but if you are gaining 20 pounds a month, and your partner is losing 30 pounds a month, you are not going in the direction of being prepared to be re-entering the dating pool most likely. This is just one example of letting yourself go, not to say that big people are not beautiful, there are some cases where gaining weight each month is part of your plan for future dating.

    It’s funny how some of the break up signs occur in ways that pull people further apart.

    This is in dating mistakes because, it’s mistake to not see break up signs, and it’s a mistake not to follow the advice of communicating with your partner, and preparing your self emotionally, physically, financially, etc. Sometimes break ups happen, and that’s what it’s a good time to take some new pictures, get an online adult dating profile updated on a few web sites and find someone better.

    Of course I think people should take stock of their lives and take care of their emotional health and everything before jumping right into a relationship. Getting your dating profile updated is a way to meet people for future friendships and possible relationships.

    More impending break up signs to consider (5 more from recent experience):

    1. Less long term commitments – If signing up for a yearly membership to the gym or blockbuster, or an 8 week diet plan or whatever becomes an issue for no apparent reason.
    2. Unusual trips, or time away – My last love interest went on a spur of the moment week long vacation. No big deal by itself, but combined with very few phone calls or text messages made me suspicious. When she returned there were several nights where she went to hang out with friends without me. I even offered my company or assistance for some of these, but was not invited. Hmmm.
    3. Not Answering the phone or text messages while you are around – This could be a courtesy thing, especially if you in a theater or nice restaurant or on a romantic date. However if you are just lounging around the couch and your mate is not answering the phone or replying to text messages received, I would be curious.
    4. His or her friends are talking to you less – maybe you both share friends, maybe you don’t, but I have certainly seen a change in the eye contact and conversation style with lovers’ friends in the time before a break up.
    5. It’s in his / her kiss – Maybe you are a couple that doesn’t kiss much in the first place, or maybe you have a partner that doesn’t like to kiss as much as you do. I have definitely seen a difference in kisses in the time before a break up. Of course you can’t consider one half hearted kiss to mean it all over. They have be self conscience about their breath at the moment, or have something else on the mind at the time of the kiss, but if you notice a change in the kissing over a period of time, it’s time to find out what you can do to make the relationship better, or be prepared to move on.

    Please note that any of these signs by themselves could just be something that gives you good information. If your partner if criticizing your new look, that doesn’t necessarily mean that a break up is coming, but perhaps you can use that to communicate and learn to compromise. If however you see several of these warning signals in combination, well it may already be over.

    Posted by Steven @ 7:44 pm for dating mistakes |

    3 Comments to "5 breakup warning signs – signals"

    • Dating Again says:

      Things that I have learned to watch out for:

      Eyes don’t follow you – If he or she is engulfed in looking at other people and rarely meets eyes with you, I think that shows some kind of guilt. It could also be a sign of low self confidence, but I have noticed much less eye contact near the end of my relationships.

    • Broken Hearted says:

      Things I now realize I should of seen and done something about it before our break up.

      One way calling and texting. I was calling him, he rarely called me. I was texting my feelings, he was texting one word replies.

      The affection he showed in public and around friends completely disappeared, it was like I wasn’t claimed in front of the people around him at all.

    • Mazel Tov says:

      Who is Elina Furman? She has no credentials. Lived at home till 30 years old. A player slut/whore.

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