Well this is kind of surprising, but after reading more into it, it makes sense. The study that was done said a majority of the women surveyed communicated through several emails about safety, meeting, stds and other issues before meeting on the first date. This survey shows proof that online dating works. You can establish a relationship online that translates into offline action. Emails and instant messaging certainly can save time, and in this day and age with so much going on, I certainly enjoy saving time. I think what is left our of this study is the fact that there is much weeding through people in the online dating environment, making it easier to choose to have intimate relations with one that you meet, as opposed to traditional method of meeting offline to get to know each other first.
When you are limited to offline meeting you can’t save as much time as you can with online dating. With online dating you have the opportunity to sort through the things you don’t want quickly. You can also communicate quickly about important issues that may take more time to get into with someone when you have take the time to go through all the motions of mundane things.
from News.com.au
ONE third of women who meet someone online have sex on the first date, and three quarters of these do not use a condom, according to a new survey.The survey, published in the US journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy, is alarming for those who push the safe sex message – particularly as chlamydia and HIV infection rates in Australia are now at a 10-year high.
The US study, which surveyed 568 women, also found 27 per cent of respondents performed oral sex on the first date.
Felicity Percival, editor of Women’s Health magazine, said the results were worrying but not surprising.
“People do feel more comfortable with each other when they’ve had lots of conversations online, whether it’s through RSVP, Facebook, or any online social network,” she said.