Checking stories on yahoo today led me to some news videos and I saw one about “2 men a woman and a baby – a modern family” – so I had to click to see what it was about. They were doing a story about a polyamorous threesome, I think they called a thrupple (trying to put together three and couple I guess). So it was a household with one woman in a relationship with two live in men, and a baby she had with one of the men.
Cheating, Relationships News 05.01.2012 Comments Off on ABC GMA features 2 men and a woman as modern family polyamore household
Relationships News 16.07.2011 Comments Off on Multiple wives investigated, lawsuit challenges polygamy law
A story found on the New York times says that Kody Brown and his “sister wives” (who also appear in a reality TV series about their polyamorous relationship choices and multi-women family living choice) is / are filing a federal lawsuit to challenge the anti-polygamy law in Utah. The article describes some of the legal maneuvering and arguments that may be made on both sides of the issue.
Breaking Up 21.11.2010 Comments Off on Still dating, we both know the end is near – breaking up is hard to do
So we’ve been dating for a few years and overall things are great. We are getting along, and both happier with each other than we have been in most, if not all of our past relationships. We both know the end is coming soon though, and it made me wonder how hard it must be for couples who know that their dating is coming to end, and when it’s not about one person who screwed up or hates the other. This kind of breaking up may be the hardest to do.