• Speed Dating 11.11.2008

    Today I read an interesting article from a girl who had a great experience with speed dating at her college in Oregon. I was impressed that she included some other sides of the coin such has some negative issues with speed dating, things that I had not considered. I was glad to see that she put the bad parts to the side and found someone to spend a lot of quality time with that she really enjoyed being around. Seems that a few quick 3 minutes dates led her to a fantastic 2 year relationship – not a bad investment of time at all!

    In her particular situation the college decided to not hold any more speed dating sessions as they felt that it was discriminatory about gay and lesbian singles, and even if they added separate circles for those students, that some would feel outted or not attend because of possible outing. They also considered that some may feel the they looked desperate attending such an event, so they are not doing any more at the college. She was disappointed that there appear to be no more speed dating events in the Eugen area, mentioning that many places are instead depending upon online speed dating options. Note that we are testing a speed dating portion of this web site that will incorporate web cams, so hopefully those in Eugene and other areas where it is hard to find face to face meeting, will be able to take advantage of our new service when it is ready for the public!

    I love reading stories where people find good relationships through new forms of dating opportunities, so nice to see new ways for singles to find matches and new mates. For years it seemed that all the pop culture magazines simply said to look for love at the grocery store, library and churches. I myself have never been able to get myself in the asking people out zone while shopping for food, and walking up to strangers in a library just seems weird to me, going to church just to find a date seems a little strange too. I guess webcam speed dating might seem awkward too, so I will not put any of these ideas out completely.

    I am thinking that in person speed dating would be fun if you went with some friends, although what do you do if you and your friend both like the same person? Perhaps it would be best to go to one of those with a friend of the opposite sex. I like the webcam idea, save time and travel, although I would have to clean up this home office a bit, I imagine if I was chatting on cam right now I’d get questions about the paperwork, microphones and video tapes in the background.

    Stay tuned for updates on our new features coming soon, and keep posting your stories, questions and concerns. I like top hear how other people have had issues and successes with new dating options!

    Posted by Steven @ 9:58 pm for Speed Dating |

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