• Dating Site Reviews 09.12.2007

    The headline to the review at Techcrunch for a new awesome dating site had me curious from the feedreader, so I clicked over to the review at Techcrunch and got a great laugh! Arrington has a way with words and interesting criticism often, and reading his review of life in the fishbowl had me laughing out loud.

    An excerpt from the post:

    You’ll enjoy the site if you want to hang out with like minded people and debate Darwin v. the Bible, etc. But even better, these sites tend to attract women in droves. Sure, Facebook is almost 2/3 women, but Christian focused sites tend to be even more women dominated (BeliefNet’s audience is 70% women). So if you are Christian, or want to pretend you are Christian to date women, sign up for LifeInTheFishBowl now.

    Also, if you’re Lutheran, you can get on the board of directors of the company. Founder Joe Burnham writes “I’m writing because I’m looking for young Lutheran (http://lcms.org) geeks who might be interested in being part of the projects Board of Directors. We’re not asking for a huge commitment time wise, but we’d like to have some younger, tech savvy input as the project continues to develop over time.” Not sure why you have to be Lutheran as opposed to one of the other Christian cults, but those are the rules. And since God is backing this startup, those stock options just might be worth something some day.

    I’m sure the comments at Techcrunch will be interesting for this one as well.

    After a quick click through we find that Michael’s mention of not-so-great web design to be true, the very light text on a white background for the about page is pretty rough to read. Surely they will get that issue fixed before long. We may give it a sign up and check it out for a more complete review later.

    Posted by Steven @ 3:37 am for Dating Site Reviews |

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