This is a story that I am going to learn from. One night I went out with an old flame and her friend thinking that the old flames were extinguished and I could pursue her friend without any issues. Thing wre nice and cordial until after a few drinks I asked her point blank if she had any issues with me having sex with her friends.
She came out with “well which ones?”. At that point I knew this was going to be a problem. I should have taken an exit strategy at that point, but I stayed and we hung out for several more hours, going to another cafe for some food, that’s when things got worse. What I had thought would be a friendly opportunity to get to know a friend’s friend turned into an entirely different situation.
I tried to divert the conversation to non sexual areas, but the cat was already out of the bag about my interest, and the two friends began getting catty with each other, and it turned into a kind of a 2 hour long fight. Not that the whole time was a fight, it just flared up, off and on.
So I learned not to set up a date with a potential love or sex interest with an ex that has not already been pre qualified to being open to you dating her friends, otherwise it could turn into a long night that you know will go nowhere.