This online dating site is created an maintained by Steve. I enjoy dating and have been having a very interesting time meeting people online and sharing thoughts about the dating scene. I write for many other blogs and web site on the net, and I earn a commission from some of web sites’ services or products. You too can earn money from sponsors or affiliates of adult web sites by writing adult blogs and stories too. I think it is a great way to express thoughts. I choose affiliates and sites that I link to based upon merit of the site, but take that statement with a grain of salt as many people think that a financial relationship with a sponsor can cloud one’s objective view point. I keep this in mind, but I do agree that disclosure of these facts is a good principal.
The blog portion of this adult dating site was started in 2007. The writings on this web site are copyrighted, and all rights are reserved. No permission is granted for republishing or redistributing any information contained here.
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