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Adult Dating Stories

Adult Dating Stories

There are many great love stories, some hate stories, and everything in between with adult online dating. But there are some outrageous stories as well.

A few of the most outrageous adult online dating stories I have been privy to include these three juicy ones. First I remember Joanne and her three email mix up that led to an interesting accidental multiple date, after 30 minutes of awkwardness and a free drinks they actually turned the mistaken multiple date into one of the best nights she has ever had.

The next outrageous adult dating story that I have been privy to is from a blog of a friend, she pointed out that she knows a gay guy that frequently hooks up with multiple sex partners in one night, and often several times a week. Gay adult dating online seems to be at a hyper speed. With the huge amount of guys that are meeting online to hook up, there must be a lot of gay sex going on every night, everywhere.

The last morsel of outrageous adult stories I will share with you today is about a couple who went looking online for a third and possible fourth to enjoy a one night threeway for swinger sex fest for a weekend. I heard this idea, and am now ready to book a chalet and invite a few hot couples to meet, anyway, they decided to go online to see if they could find anyone mutually interested in a little menage’ trios. It turns out that after setting up a profile on three adult dating sites, (adult friend finder, and Fling) They found 26 women that seemed like a good match. Match dot com had nothing on this. nineteen of the women were involved with men who were also interested in three way or four way sex. Seven of them matched initial criteria, and four didn;t pan out, but they did have three pretty hot chicks to share a night with.

More on mike and mandy later, you wouldn’t believe what they got into when an all night party was thrown for some friends.

I’d love to share some of your online adult dating stories, if you’re into that kind of thing, send me an email with your info. Please use fake pen names and not real ones.


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